Saturday, October 16, 2010

Fire Truck Cake

At first, he wanted a garbage truck cake, then he wanted a fire truck cake...It was a working day and I had to rush home and the time? Not enough to bake, create and ice. So, I cheated a bit...

How? I bought a banana cake, cut it into few blocks, 'paste' them together with icing...and then concentrated (not really, with the 2 kids running around...) in making the icing, colouring them, then iced the cake, put it in the fridge and taking it out again...continue icing, what a process!

Finally, after about 2 hours or so, I told myself to stop (or else it won't get done coz' it was messy and far from being perfect) and hey, what's important was that my son approved it!

Ignore the messy bits, please...the cake was accessorized with bits and pieces of my son's toys such as the cone, little firemen, shovel and the firehydrant! Anything will do take make it look done!!!

There's my princess and prince blowing the candles!

Before-After sprinkles

Flora cuppie cake

top view
side view

some for the teachers...

It was my daughter's 6th birthday and she had been begging me for a cake to bring to her kinder for weeks before the big day. Finding time was the challenge. Somewhere after work and at 9-ish till midnite, I managed to whip this up. It was between a chocolate-covered cake and a flower cuppies cake. And the cuppies won because I want it to be different and knife-free and mess-free! Even the teacher thought it was a whole cake before my daughter started to take a cuppie one at a time to passed it to her friends!

Daddy's day

A father's day treat in a box.

Loooooong silence...

I has been a year since I last posted anything! For one thing, my hobbies have taken a back seat (the 5th row if I may add) to make way for my existing job which is simply exhausting! So, now and then, when I have the time (not so much) I bake. Mostly when there are reasons for baking like kids birthdays, occassions like father's day...and yeap, things like that. Need to find more time to sit back, relax and life once treated me in Melbourne (or the other way round..)...sigh, the good 'ol days..during this whole year, i managed to snap a few pics of my 'foodart' but didn't upload...well, here goes...

Mixing 'em up!

I love chocolate...but I love colours as well.

Given a choice, I would always take any chocolate covered sweet things, rather than the coloured ones.

But...I love presenting a mixture of colours AND chocolate. So, I decided to bake mini chocolate cakes with black and white theme, and pink and green and....see for yourself!